Be a Part of Matthew Jordan Smith’s Future Presidents

Be a Part of Matthew Jordan Smith’s Future Presidents.


Have you checked Blog posting by Profoto? If you are not a photographer, ymay not not be familiar to Profoto, it is major lighting company in the U.S. Profoto has been supporting our project, Future Presidents so much. Last Friday, they blogged about our project. Please click link above tcase their posting!

Thank you, for supporting us and helping us to give our Future Presidents major possibilities to dream big. They are right now waiting for all of inspire inspire them. Thank you, Profoto you are our team just like all the supporters on Kickstarter!


Future President, Talen

Future President, Talen

One more week left on our campaign! I have this cuuuuuuuuuuute boy, Talen, as our little presidents! While we were having meeting… he was I remember I could not help myself keep photographing him as he moves everywhere around our seat. He was too little to speak but he was sure not too little to play with cell phones!(Technology kids!) and the way he holds and get on the phone, he was just like president! No matter which president, EVERY PRESIDENT has their childhood just like Talen. Every president used to be a child and being playful filled with curiosity and ambition. Something to make everyone smile and warm their heart for the weekend! 🙂 My personal page special behind the scene of Future Presidents! 😉

Support Talen to be the Future Presidents!

Using your creativity to inspire the world

OH WOW!  I always feel that Time fly by so fast.

I need to take every moment of my life as a precious moment. and I can say the same thing to everyone.

We all say “Make every moment count, live life to the fullest!” all the time. You can see it on everyone’s post on Facebook and Twitter… everywhere. But.. how many people actually put it in your life? Not many. Everyone end up being busy forgetting to appreciate every moment. Including myself. ( I cannot lie about that!)

But at least… I have been spending my time working hard on the project to bring something positive to our nation recently. and this project is empowered by Dancing with the Stars, Disney show “Shake it up” teen star, ZENDAYA COLEMAN and PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER and more!

Yes, we are serious and making this project as big as it can be.


 “Future Presidents”


This is the name of my project that I have been working on for over a year now. It is all about Our Future, Beauty of America, and children from all over America. My partner, my fiance, Matthew Jordan Smith as my leader, we’ve been working on this project to inspire American families and children who holds our future.  It has been a quiet journey!  What is this project about? You can click here to see all about it. We’ve been photographing diversed children from all over America between ages of Unborn baby to 15 years old asking them “What would you do if you were president?”. Each child from different background and shot in different locations.

Children are so pure and beautiful. 

I am saying this with all my heart because I myself have a child. I see him grow everyday every step of his life. I see children as the most precious things human being can have. I am not doing this just for common sense, I am working on this project with my personal passion.


Children holds our future. 

They are our future work force,

They can be our future presidents!


Yes, it is common to work on this kind of subject at schools. But this is not school work that only stays in school and home. We want to take the faces of children and voices of children to the world. We’ve shot just over 50 children going around 30 states. We have 20 more states to go and more children to photograph. We are doing our best to finish this project asap as our future presidents are waiting for us to take them to the world. 🙂 It has been quiet inspiring to us. We wanted to inspire parents, families and children through this book but we have been inspired by them! and we know they will inspire every person with a heart too.


I would love to share personal and behind the scene stories of this project in my upcoming blogs!


Creativity comes from our heart.

Our heart wanted to do something positive in the world that led us to start this project.

It is nothing like using our own creativity to create something no one have created before.

Now Children whom we’ve photographed has been our motivation to keep going.

and our creative circle will keep going.!



Please visit our project page and support our future presidents and be part of our team!